Believes Believeth Believing Belly Body Faith Flow Heart Innermost Rivers Scripture Streams Within Writing Writings

7:38 He that believeth on me, as the {k} scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

(k) The scripture being referred to is not found anywhere word for word, but rather Christ seems to be referring to many different places where mention is made of the gifts of the Holy Spirit; see Joe 2:28-29; Isa 44:3 and especially Isa 55:1-13.

7:38 He that believeth on me. Notice that believing corresponds to coming in Joh 7:37, showing that faith is the means that brings us to Christ.

As the scripture hath said. The reference is not to any single passage, but to the spirit of the Scripture, notably such passages as Isa 55:1 58:11:00 Ps 36:8-9.

Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. Christ is the living water; he who believes upon Christ formed within him, and hence must become a fountain to dispense the living water whatever he goes.

7:38 He that believeth - This answers to let him come to me. And whosoever doth come to him by faith, his inmost soul shall be filled with living water, with abundance of peace, joy, and love, which shall likewise flow from him to others. As the Scripture hath said - Not expressly in any one particular place. But here is a general reference to all those scriptures which speak of the effusion of the Spirit by the Messiah, under the similitude of pouring out water. Zec 14:8.

7:37-39 On the last day of the feast of tabernacles, the Jews drew water and poured it out before the Lord. It is supposed that Christ alluded to this. If any man desires to be truly and for ever happy, let him apply to Christ, and be ruled by him. This thirst means strong desires after spiritual blessings, which nothing else can satisfy; so the sanctifying and comforting influences of the Holy Spirit, were intended by the waters which Jesus called on them to come to Him and drink. The comfort flows plentifully and constantly as a river; strong as a stream to bear down the opposition of doubts and fears. There is a fulness in Christ, of grace for grace. The Spirit dwelling and working in believers, is as a fountain of living, running water, out of which plentiful streams flow, cooling and cleansing as water. The miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit we do not expect, but for his more common and more valuable influences we may apply. These streams have flowed from our glorified Redeemer, down to this age, and to the remote corners of the earth. May we be anxious to make them known to others.

Believes Believeth Believing Belly Body Faith Flow Heart Innermost Out Rivers Scripture Streams Water Within Writing Writings

Believes Believeth Believing Belly Body Faith Flow Heart Innermost Out Rivers Scripture Streams Water Within Writing Writings