Addition Bear Beginning Testify Testimony Witness Witnesses

15:27 Ye also shall bear witness. The apostles had been with him from the beginning, and knew all the facts. If he was true, they knew it; if he stilled the waves and raised the dead, they knew it; if he rose from the tomb, they knew it (see Ac 1:21,22). They bore witness to him by word and left their words to us. They bore witness by life, gave up all for him and died for their testimony. Such testimony is the strongest human testimony ever offered to any fact.

15:26,27. The blessed Spirit will maintain the cause of Christ in the world, notwithstanding the opposition it meets with. Believers taught and encouraged by his influences, would bear testimony to Christ and his salvation.

Addition Bear Beginning First Testify Testimony Witness Witnesses

Addition Bear Beginning First Testify Testimony Witness Witnesses