Able Anything Besides Father's Greater None Pluck Precious Seize Snatch Value Wrest

10:29 No [man] is able to pluck [them] out of my Father's hand. The sheep who hear his voice and follow him (Joh 10:27). This is the condition of their safety. If they comply with it God's grace will save them from the adversary.

10:27-29 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me, and c. - Our Lord still alludes to the discourse he had before this festival. As if he had said, My sheep are they who, Hear my voice by faith; Are known (that is, approved) by me, as loving me; and Follow me, keep my commandments, with a believing, loving heart. And to those who, Truly believe (observe three promises annexed to three conditions) I give eternal life. He does not say, I will, but I give. For he that believeth hath everlasting life. Those whom, I know truly to love me, shall never perish, provided they abide in my love. Those who follow me, neither men nor devils can pluck out of my hand. My Father who hath, by an unchangeable decree, given me all that believe, love, and obey, is greater than all in heaven or earth, and none is able to pluck them out of his hand.

10:22-30 All who have any thing to say to Christ, may find him in the temple. Christ would make us to believe; we make ourselves doubt. The Jews understood his meaning, but could not form his words into a full charge against him. He described the gracious disposition and happy state of his sheep; they heard and believed his word, followed him as his faithful disciples, and none of them should perish; for the Son and the Father were one. Thus he was able to defend his sheep against all their enemies, which proves that he claimed Divine power and perfection equally with the Father.

Able Besides Father's Greater Hand Pluck Precious Seize Snatch Value Wrest

Able Besides Father's Greater Hand Pluck Precious Seize Snatch Value Wrest