Avenge Avenged Blood Cleanse Cleansed Clear Declare Declared Dwelleth Dwelling Dwells Guilty Held Hold Innocent Pardon Pardoned Punishment Purge Purged Zion

3:21 For I will {n} cleanse their blood [that] I have not cleansed: for the LORD dwelleth in Zion.

(n) He had allowed his Church before this to lie in their filthiness, but now he promises to cleanse them and to make them pure unto himself.

3:21 And I will cleanse - Purge away both by the spirit of sanctification and by free pardon in the blood of the redeemer. Their blood - Their sinfulness, which before I had not taken away.

3:18-21 There shall be abundant Divine influences, and the gospel will spread speedily into the remotest corners of the earth. These events are predicted under significant emblems; there is a day coming, when every thing amiss shall be amended. The fountain of this plenty is in the house of God, whence the streams take rise. Christ is this Fountain; his sufferings, merit, and grace, cleanse, refresh, and make fruitful. Gospel grace, flowing from Christ, shall reach to the Gentile world, to the most remote regions, and make them abound in fruits of righteousness; and from the house of the Lord above, from his heavenly temple, flows all the good we daily taste, and hope to enjoy eternally.

Avenge Avenged Blood Bloodguilt Cleanse Cleansed Clear Declare Declared Dwelleth Dwelling Dwells Guilty Held Hold Innocent Pardon Pardoned Punishment Purge Purged Zion

Avenge Avenged Blood Bloodguilt Cleanse Cleansed Clear Declare Declared Dwelleth Dwelling Dwells Guilty Held Hold Innocent Pardon Pardoned Punishment Purge Purged Zion