Angels Cries Gods Joy Morning Sang Shout Shouted Singing Songs Sons Stars

38:7 When the morning stars {e} sang together, and all the {f} sons of God shouted for joy?

(e) The stars and dumb creatures are said to praise God, because his power, wisdom and goodness is manifest and known in it.

(f) Meaning the angels.

38:7 Stars - The angels, who may well be called morning - stars, because of their excellent lustre and glory. Sons of God - The angels called the sons of God, because they had their whole being from him, and because they were made partakers of his Divine and glorious image. Shouted - Rejoiced in and blessed God for his works, whereby he intimates, that they neither did advise or any way assist him, nor dislike or censure any of his works, as Job had presumed to do.

38:4-11 For the humbling of Job, God here shows him his ignorance, even concerning the earth and the sea. As we cannot find fault with God's work, so we need not fear concerning it. The works of his providence, as well as the work of creation, never can be broken; and the work of redemption is no less firm, of which Christ himself is both the Foundation and the Corner-stone. The church stands as firm as the earth.

Angels Cries Gods Joy Morning Sang Shout Shouted Singing Songs Stars Together

Angels Cries Gods Joy Morning Sang Shout Shouted Singing Songs Stars Together