Attentively Closely Diligently Ear Forth Goes Hearken Hollow Listen Mouth Murmur Noise Oh Roar Rolling Rumbling Thunder Trembling Voice Yea

37:2 Hear attentively the {b} noise of his voice, and the sound [that] goeth out of his mouth.

(b) That is the thunder, by which he speaks to men to waken their dullness, and to bring them to the consideration of his works.

37:2 Hear - It is probable that while Elihu was speaking it thundered, and that tempest was begun, wherewith God ushered in his speech. And this might occasion his return to that subject of which he had discoursed before. Voice - The thunder is called God's voice. Because by it God speaks to the children of men, to fear before him. Mouth - That is produced by God's word or command, which is often signified by his mouth.

37:1-13 The changes of the weather are the subject of a great deal of our thoughts and common talk; but how seldom do we think and speak of these things, as Elihu, with a regard to God, the director of them! We must notice the glory of God, not only in the thunder and lightning, but in the more common and less awful changes of the weather; as the snow and rain. Nature directs all creatures to shelter themselves from a storm; and shall man only be unprovided with a refuge? Oh that men would listen to the voice of God, who in many ways warns them to flee from the wrath to come; and invites them to accept his salvation, and to be happy. The ill opinion which men entertain of the Divine direction, peculiarly appears in their murmurs about the weather, though the whole result of the year proves the folly of their complaints. Believers should avoid this; no days are bad as God makes them, though we make many bad by our sins.

Attentively Closely Diligently Ear Forth Goes Hear Hearken Hollow Mouth Murmur Noise Roar Rolling Rumbling Sound Thunder Trembling Voice

Attentively Closely Diligently Ear Forth Goes Hear Hearken Hollow Mouth Murmur Noise Roar Rolling Rumbling Sound Thunder Trembling Voice