Caused Causes Causeth Charge Cloud Clouds Command Controls Disposed Enjoineth Establishes Flash God's Layeth Lays Lightning Makes Ordering Shine Works

37:15 Dost thou know when God disposed them, and caused the {l} light of his cloud to shine?

(l) That is, the lightning to break forth in the clouds?

37:15 Them - The things before mentioned, the clouds, rain, snow, and other meteors. Did God acquaint thee with his counsels in the producing and ordering of them? His cloud - Probably the rainbow, seated in a cloud, which may well be called God's cloud, because therein God puts his bow, Gen 9:13.

37:14-20 Due thoughts of the works of God will help to reconcile us to all his providences. As God has a powerful, freezing north wind, so he has a thawing, composing south wind: the Spirit is compared to both, because he both convinces and comforts, So 4:16. The best of men are much in the dark concerning the glorious perfections of the Divine nature and the Divine government. Those who, through grace, know much of God, know nothing, in comparison with what is to be known, and of what will be known, when that which is perfect is come.

Caused Causes Causeth Charge Cloud Clouds Command Controls Disposed Establishes Flash God's Layeth Lightning Makes Ordering Shine Works

Caused Causes Causeth Charge Cloud Clouds Command Controls Disposed Establishes Flash God's Layeth Lightning Makes Ordering Shine Works