Actions Bruised Crushed Deeds Destroyed Knoweth Note Overthroweth Overthrows Overturned Overturneth Overturning Overturns Takes Taketh Thus Works

34:25 Therefore he knoweth their {s} works, and he overturneth [them] in the {t} night, so that they are destroyed.

(s) Make it known that they are wicked.

(t) Declare the things that were hid.

34:16-30 Elihu appeals directly to Job himself. Could he suppose that God was like those earthly princes, who hate right, who are unfit to rule, and prove the scourges of mankind? It is daring presumption to condemn God's proceedings, as Job had done by his discontents. Elihu suggests divers considerations to Job, to produce in him high thoughts of God, and so to persuade him to submit. Job had often wished to plead his cause before God. Elihu asks, To what purpose? All is well that God does, and will be found so. What can make those uneasy, whose souls dwell at ease in God? The smiles of all the world cannot quiet those on whom God frowns.

Actions Bruised Crushed Deeds Destroyed Night Note Overthroweth Overthrows Overturned Overturneth Overturning Overturns Works

Actions Bruised Crushed Deeds Destroyed Night Note Overthroweth Overthrows Overturned Overturneth Overturning Overturns Works