Affright Body Clans Contempt Contemptible Crowd Didn't Door Door- Doors Dreaded Families Fear Feared Kept Multitude Opening Outside Quiet Silence Silent Sport Stood Terrified Terrify

31:34 Did I fear a great multitude, or did the contempt of families {y} terrify me, that I kept {z} silence, [and] went not out of the door?

(y) That is, I reverenced the most weak and contemned and was afraid to offend them.

(z) I suffered them to speak evil of me, and went not out of my house to avenge it.

31:34 Did I fear - No: all that knew Job knew him to be a man of resolution, that boldly appeared, spoke and acted, in defence of religion and justice. He durst not keep silence, or stay within, when called to speak or act for God. He was not deterred by the number, or quality, or insults of the injurious, from reproving them, and doing justice to the injured.

31:33-40 Job clears himself from the charge of hypocrisy. We are loth to confess our faults, willing to excuse them, and to lay the blame upon others. But he that thus covers his sins, shall not prosper, Pr 28:13. He speaks of his courage in what is good, as an evidence of his sincerity in it. When men get estates unjustly, they are justly deprived of comfort from them; it was sown wheat, but shall come up thistles. What men do not come honestly by, will never do them any good. The words of Job are ended. They end with a bold assertion, that, with respect to accusation against his moral and religious character as the cause for his sufferings, he could appeal to God. But, however confident Job was, we shall see he was mistaken, chap. 40:4,5; 1Jo 1:8. Let us all judge ourselves; wherein we are guilty, let us seek forgiveness in that blood which cleanseth from all sin; and may the Lord have mercy upon us, and write his laws in our hearts!

Affright Body Clans Contempt Contemptible Crowd Door Doors Dreaded Families Fear Feared Great Kept Multitude Opening Outside Quiet Silence Silent Sport Stood Terrified Terrify

Affright Body Clans Contempt Contemptible Crowd Door Doors Dreaded Families Fear Feared Great Kept Multitude Opening Outside Quiet Silence Silent Sport Stood Terrified Terrify