Amid Attack Breach Breaking Broken Confusion Crash Desolation Gaping Midst Onward Overturned Roll Rolled Rolling Ruin Ruins Shock Tempest Themselves Wall Waters Wide
30:14 They came [upon me] as a wide breaking in [of waters]: in the {k} desolation they rolled themselves [upon me].
(k) By my calamity they took an opportunity against me.
30:14 Waste place - In the waste place; in that part of the bank which was broken down. They rolled - As the waters, come rolling in at the breach.
30:1-14 Job contrasts his present condition with his former honour and authority. What little cause have men to be ambitious or proud of that which may be so easily lost, and what little confidence is to be put in it! We should not be cast down if we are despised, reviled, and hated by wicked men. We should look to Jesus, who endured the contradiction of sinners.
Advance Amid Attack Breach Breaking Broken Confusion Crash Desolation Gaping Midst Onward Overturned Roll Rolled Rolling Ruin Ruins Shock Tempest Themselves Wall Waters Wide
Advance Amid Attack Breach Breaking Broken Confusion Crash Desolation Gaping Midst Onward Overturned Roll Rolled Rolling Ruin Ruins Shock Tempest Themselves Wall Waters Wide