Arise Arises Aside Attacks Brood Build Calamity Cast Destruction Drive Entangle Forth Lay Lines Order Paths Pernicious Push Rabble Raise Ramps Rise Siege Snares Themselves Thrust War Youth

30:12 Upon [my] right [hand] rise the youth; they push away my feet, and they raise up against me the {h} ways of their destruction.

(h) That is, they sought by all means how they might destroy me.

30:12 Right hand - This was the place of adversaries or accusers in courts of justice. The youth - Heb. young striplings, who formerly hid themselves from my presence, chap.29:8. Push - Metaphorically, they endeavour to overwhelm me. Ways - Cause - ways, or banks: so it is a metaphor from soldiers, who cast up banks, against the city which they besiege. Destruction - To destroy me.

30:1-14 Job contrasts his present condition with his former honour and authority. What little cause have men to be ambitious or proud of that which may be so easily lost, and what little confidence is to be put in it! We should not be cast down if we are despised, reviled, and hated by wicked men. We should look to Jesus, who endured the contradiction of sinners.

Arise Arises Attacks Brood Build Cast Destruction Drive Entangle Feet Forth Hand High Lay Order Paths Pernicious Push Rabble Raise Right Rise Siege Snares Themselves Thrust Tribe War Ways Young Youth

Arise Arises Attacks Brood Build Cast Destruction Drive Entangle Feet Forth Hand High Lay Order Paths Pernicious Push Rabble Raise Right Rise Siege Snares Themselves Thrust Tribe War Ways Young Youth