Abhor Abominated Aloof Disgusting Distance Face Flee Hesitate Kept Marks Refrain Shame Sight Spare Spared Spit Spitting Stand Yea

30:10 Spit - Not literally, for they kept far from him, but figuratively, they use all manner of reproachful expressions, even to my face. Herein, also we see a type of Christ, who was thus made a reproach of men, and despised of the people.

30:1-14 Job contrasts his present condition with his former honour and authority. What little cause have men to be ambitious or proud of that which may be so easily lost, and what little confidence is to be put in it! We should not be cast down if we are despised, reviled, and hated by wicked men. We should look to Jesus, who endured the contradiction of sinners.

Abhor Abominated Aloof Detest Disgusting Distance Face Far Flee Hesitate Kept Marks Refrain Shame Sight Spare Spared Spit Spitting Stand

Abhor Abominated Aloof Detest Disgusting Distance Face Far Flee Hesitate Kept Marks Refrain Shame Sight Spare Spared Spit Spitting Stand