Counsel Ear Expectantly Hearkened Keeping Kept Listened Quiet Silence Silent Suggestions Wait Waited Waiting Yea

29:18-25 Being thus honoured and useful, Job had hoped to die in peace and honour, in a good old age. If such an expectation arise from lively faith in the providence and promise of God, it is well; but if from conceit of our own wisdom, and dependence on changeable, earthly things, it is ill grounded, and turns to sin. Every one that has the spirit of wisdom, has not the spirit of government; but Job had both. Yet he had the tenderness of a comforter. This he thought upon with pleasure, when he was himself a mourner. Our Lord Jesus is a King who hates iniquity, and upon whom the blessing of a world ready to perish comes. To Him let us give ear.

Counsel Ear Expectantly Hearkened Keeping Kept Quiet Silence Silent Suggestions Wait Waited Waiting

Counsel Ear Expectantly Hearkened Keeping Kept Quiet Silence Silent Suggestions Wait Waited Waiting