Adversaries Enemy Evil Hater Opponent Perverse Rises Riseth Sinner Unjust Unrighteous Wicked Withstander

27:7 Let - I am so far from practicing wickedness, that I abhor the thoughts of it, and if I would wish to be revenged of my enemy, I could wish him no greater mischief than to be a wicked man.

27:7-10 Job looked upon the condition of a hypocrite and a wicked man, to be most miserable. If they gained through life by their profession, and kept up their presumptuous hope till death, what would that avail when God required their souls? The more comfort we find in our religion, the more closely we shall cleave to it. Those who have no delight in God, are easily drawn away by the pleasures, and easily overcome by the crosses of this life.

Adversaries Enemies Enemy Evil Hater Opponent Perverse Rises Riseth Sinner Unjust Unrighteous Wicked

Adversaries Enemies Enemy Evil Hater Opponent Perverse Rises Riseth Sinner Unjust Unrighteous Wicked