Breath Declared Expressed Forth Hast Mouth Spirit Spoke Utter Uttered

26:4 To whom hast thou uttered words? and whose spirit {c} came from thee?

(c) That is, moves you to speak this?

26:4 To whom - For whose instruction hast thou uttered these things? For mine? Dost thou think I do not know, that which the meanest persons are not unacquainted with; that God is incomparably greater and better than his creatures? Whose spirit - Who inspired thee with this profound discourse of thine?

26:1-4 Job derided Bildad's answer; his words were a mixture of peevishness and self-preference. Bildad ought to have laid before Job the consolations, rather than the terrors of the Almighty. Christ knows how to speak what is proper for the weary, Isa 50:4; and his ministers should not grieve those whom God would not have made sad. We are often disappointed in our expectations from our friends who should comfort us; but the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, never mistakes, nor fails of his end.

Breath Declared Expressed Forth Help Helped Mouth Spirit Utter Uttered Words

Breath Declared Expressed Forth Help Helped Mouth Spirit Utter Uttered Words