Acts Although Clean Free Hands Injustice Prayer Pure Though Violence Violent

16:17 Not for [any] injustice in {q} mine hands: also my prayer {r} [is] pure.

(q) Signifying that he is not able to understand the cause of this his grievous punishment.

(r) That is, unfeigned and without hypocrisy.

16:17 Not - And all this is not come upon me for any injurious dealing, but for other reasons known to God only. Pure - I do not cast off God's fear and service, chap.15:4. I do still pray and worship God, and my prayer is accompanied with a sincere heart.

16:17-22 Job's condition was very deplorable; but he had the testimony of his conscience for him, that he never allowed himself in any gross sin. No one was ever more ready to acknowledge sins of infirmity. Eliphaz had charged him with hypocrisy in religion, but he specifies prayer, the great act of religion, and professes that in this he was pure, though not from all infirmity. He had a God to go to, who he doubted not took full notice of all his sorrows. Those who pour out tears before God, though they cannot plead for themselves, by reason of their defects, have a Friend to plead for them, even the Son of man, and on him we must ground all our hopes of acceptance with God. To die, is to go the way whence we shall not return. We must all of us, very certainly, and very shortly, go this journey. Should not then the Saviour be precious to our souls? And ought we not to be ready to obey and to suffer for his sake? If our consciences are sprinkled with his atoning blood, and testify that we are not living in sin or hypocrisy, when we go the way whence we shall not return, it will be a release from prison, and an entrance into everlasting happiness.

Acts Although Clean Free Hands Injustice Prayer Pure Violence Violent

Acts Although Clean Free Hands Injustice Prayer Pure Violence Violent