Aroused Awake Doesn't Goes Heavens Lain Lies Lieth Longer Raised Resting-place Rise Rises Riseth Roused Sleep Till Wearing

14:12 Lieth - In his bed, the grave. 'Till - Until the time of the general resurrection, when these visible heavens shall pass away.

14:7-15 Though a tree is cut down, yet, in a moist situation, shoots come forth, and grow up as a newly planted tree. But when man is cut off by death, he is for ever removed from his place in this world. The life of man may fitly be compared to the waters of a land flood, which spread far, but soon dry up. All Job's expressions here show his belief in the great doctrine of the resurrection. Job's friends proving miserable comforters, he pleases himself with the expectation of a change. If our sins are forgiven, and our hearts renewed to holiness, heaven will be the rest of our souls, while our bodies are hidden in the grave from the malice of our enemies, feeling no more pain from our corruptions, or our corrections.

Aroused Awake Goes Heavens Last Lies Raised Resting-Place Rise Rises Riseth Roused Sleep Wearing

Aroused Awake Goes Heavens Last Lies Raised Resting-Place Rise Rises Riseth Roused Sleep Wearing