Abundantly Bring Bringeth Brings Carry Confidence Desolators Destroyers Destruction Hands Marauders Moved Peace Power Prosper Provoke Provoking Robbers Safe Secure Spoilers Strength Tabernacles Tents Undisturbed Wealth Whatsoever Wrath

12:6 Are secure - Job's friends had all supposed, that wicked men cannot prosper long in the world. This Job opposes, and maintains, that God herein acts as sovereign, and reserves that exact distribution of rewards and punishments for the other world.

12:6-11 Job appeals to facts. The most audacious robbers, oppressors, and impious wretches, often prosper. Yet this is not by fortune or chance; the Lord orders these things. Worldly prosperity is of small value in his sight: he has better things for his children. Job resolves all into the absolute proprietorship which God has in all the creatures. He demands from his friends liberty to judge of what they had said; he appeals to any fair judgment.

Abundantly Carry Destroyers Destruction Hand Hands Marauders Moved Peace Power Prosper Provoke Robbers Safe Secure Strength Tabernacles Tents Undisturbed Wealth Whatsoever Wrath

Abundantly Carry Destroyers Destruction Hand Hands Marauders Moved Peace Power Prosper Provoke Robbers Safe Secure Strength Tabernacles Tents Undisturbed Wealth Whatsoever Wrath