Blemish Defect Face Fear Fearest Firm Fixed Hast Indeed Lift Lifted Liftest Mark Moral Secure Shame Sin Spot Stand Steadfast Stedfast Surely Truly Yea Yes

11:15 For then shalt thou lift up thy {i} face without spot; yea, thou shalt be stedfast, and shalt not fear:

(i) He declares the quietness of conscience and success in all things that they shall have who turn to God in true repentance.

11:15 Lift up - Which denotes chearfulness, and holy boldness. Without spot - Having a clear and unspotted conscience. Steadfast - Shall have a strong and comfortable assurance of God's favour.

11:13-20 Zophar exhorts Job to repentance, and gives him encouragement, yet mixed with hard thoughts of him. He thought that worldly prosperity was always the lot of the righteous, and that Job was to be deemed a hypocrite unless his prosperity was restored. Then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot; that is, thou mayst come boldly to the throne of grace, and not with the terror and amazement expressed in ch. 9:34. If we are looked upon in the face of the Anointed, our faces that were cast down may be lifted up; though polluted, being now washed with the blood of Christ, they may be lifted up without spot. We may draw near in full assurance of faith, when we are sprinkled from an evil conscience, Heb 10:22.

Blemish Defect Face Fear Fearest Firm Fixed Indeed Lift Mark Moral Secure Shame Sin Spot Stand Steadfast Stedfast Surely

Blemish Defect Face Fear Fearest Firm Fixed Indeed Lift Mark Moral Secure Shame Sin Spot Stand Steadfast Stedfast Surely