Able Although Condemned Deliver Deliverance Deliverer Delivereth Evil-doer Guilty Hands Indeed None Rescue Though Wicked Yet

10:7 Thou knowest that I am not {i} wicked; and [there is] none that can deliver out of thine hand.

(i) By affliction you keep me as in a prison, and restrain me from doing evil, neither can any set me free.

10:7 Wicked - An hypocrite, as my friends account me. Deliver - But thou art the supreme ruler of the world; therefore I must wait thy time, and throw myself on thy mercy, in submission to thy sovereign will.

10:1-7 Job, being weary of his life, resolves to complain, but he will not charge God with unrighteousness. Here is a prayer that he might be delivered from the sting of his afflictions, which is sin. When God afflicts us, he contends with us; when he contends with us, there is always a reason; and it is desirable to know the reason, that we may repent of and forsake the sin for which God has a controversy with us. But when, like Job, we speak in the bitterness of our souls, we increase guilt and vexation. Let us harbour no hard thoughts of God; we shall hereafter see there was no cause for them. Job is sure that God does not discover things, nor judge of them, as men do; therefore he thinks it strange that God continues him under affliction, as if he must take time to inquire into his sin.

Able Although Condemned Deliver Deliverance Deliverer Delivereth Evil-Doer Guilty Hand Hands Indeed Rescue Wicked

Able Although Condemned Deliver Deliverance Deliverer Delivereth Evil-Doer Guilty Hand Hands Indeed Rescue Wicked