TRUE Boast Boaster Boasts Decisions Declares Delight Delighted Exercise Exercises Exerciseth Giving Glories Glorieth Glory Judgment Justice Kindness Knoweth Love Loving Lovingkindness Loving-kindness Mercy Practice Pride Righteousness Says Steadfast Understandeth Understanding Understands Wisdom Working

9:24 But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I [am] the LORD who {s} exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these [things] I delight, saith the LORD.

(s) These three points are necessary to know correctly his mercy, in which consists our salvation: his judgment, which he executes continually against the wicked, and his justice, by which he defends and maintains the faithful.

9:24 Knoweth - Whether we make any curious distinction between understanding God, as if that be more speculative, whereby we rightly apprehend his nature; and knowing God, as if that be more practical, as directing the conversation, we need not here enquire; yet certainly both center in this, that we so know and understand God as to trust in him, and depend on him alone in all conditions. Exercise - Kindness, as it relates to his own people; judgment, in punishing the wicked; righteousness, as he deals justly and uprightly with both.

9:23-26 In this world of sin and sorrow, ending soon in death and judgement, how foolish for men to glory in their knowledge, health, strength, riches, or in any thing which leaves them under the dominion of sin and the wrath of God! and of which an account must hereafter be rendered; it will but increase their misery. Those are the true Israel who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. Let us prize the distinction which comes from God, and will last for ever. Let us seek it diligently.

Affirmation Delight Delighted Earth Exercise Exercises Glories Glorieth Glory Judgment Justice Kindness Love Loving Mercy Practice Pride Righteousness Steadfast True. Understandeth Understanding Understands Wisdom Working

Affirmation Delight Delighted Earth Exercise Exercises Glories Glorieth Glory Judgment Justice Kindness Love Loving Mercy Practice Pride Righteousness Steadfast True. Understandeth Understanding Understands Wisdom Working