Army Babylon Build Building Built Camped Earthworks Encamp Encamped Force Fortification Forts Jerusalem Laid Marched Month Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadrezzar Nebuchadrez'zar Ninth Outside Pass Pitched Position Reign Round Rule Siege Siegeworks Tenth Turrets Wall Works Zedekiah's

52:1-11 This fruit of sin we should pray against above any thing; Cast me not away from thy presence, Ps 51:11. None are cast out of God's presence but those who by sin have first thrown themselves out. Zedekiah's flight was in vain, for there is no escaping the judgments of God; they come upon the sinner, and overtake him, let him flee where he will.

Ar Army Babylon Built Camped Encamped Forts Jerusalem Month Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadrezzar Ninth Pitched Reign Round Side Tenth

Ar Army Babylon Built Camped Encamped Forts Jerusalem Month Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadrezzar Ninth Pitched Reign Round Side Tenth