Babylon Book Calamity Disasters Evil Jeremiah Recorded Scroll Single Writeth Written Wrote

51:59-64 This prophecy is sent to Babylon, to the captives there, by Seraiah, who is to read it to his countrymen in captivity. Let them with faith see the end of these threatening powers, and comfort themselves herewith. When we see what this world is, how glittering its shows, and how flattering its proposals, let us read in the book of the Lord that it shall shortly be desolate. The book must be thrown into the river Euphrates. The fall of the New Testament Babylon is thus represented, Re 18:21. Those that sink under the weight of God's wrath and curse, sink for ever. Babylon, and every antichrist, will soon sink and rise no more for ever. Let us hope in God's word, and quietly wait for his salvation; then we shall see, but shall not share, the destruction of the wicked.

Babylon Book Calamity Disasters Evil Jeremiah Recorded Scroll Single Words Writeth Written Wrote

Babylon Book Calamity Disasters Evil Jeremiah Recorded Scroll Single Words Writeth Written Wrote