Array Arrayed Attack Babylon Battle Bow Bows Compassion Cruel Daughter Fight Formation Halbert Hands Hold Horses Javelin Lance Lay Marshalled Mercy O Ride Roar Roareth Roaring Roars Seize Shew Soundeth Spear Spears Thunder Voice War

50:33-46 It is Israel's comfort in distress, that, though they are weak, their Redeemer is strong. This may be applied to believers, who complain of the dominion of sin and corruption, and of their own weakness and manifold infirmities. Their Redeemer is able to keep what they commit to him; and sin shall not have dominion over them. He will give them that rest which remains for the people of God. Also here is Babylon's sin, and their punishment. The sins are, idolatry and persecution. He that will not save his people in their sins, never will countenance the wickedness of his open enemies. The judgments of God for these sins will lay them waste. In the judgments denounced against prosperous Babylon, and the mercies promised to afflicted Israel, we learn to choose to suffer affliction with the people of God, rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.

Array Babylon Battle Bow Compassion Cruel Daughter Hold Horses Javelin Lay Mercy Ride Roar Roaring Roars Sea Seize Shew Spear Voice War

Array Babylon Battle Bow Compassion Cruel Daughter Hold Horses Javelin Lay Mercy Ride Roar Roaring Roars Sea Seize Shew Spear Voice War