Anger Appalled Astonished Babylon Completely Desolate Desolation Fear Goes Hiss Horrified Indignation Inhabited Overcome Pass Passer Passes Plagues Punishments Quite Scoff Sounds Unpeopled Utter Wholly Wonder Wounds Wrath

50:13 Because of the wrath of the LORD it shall not be inhabited, but it shall be wholly desolate: every one that goeth by Babylon shall be astonished, {n} and hiss at all her plagues.

(n) In sign of contempt and disdain.

50:8-20 The desolation that shall be brought upon Babylon is set forth in a variety of expressions. The cause of this destruction is the wrath of the Lord. Babylon shall be wholly desolated; for she hath sinned against the Lord. Sin makes men a mark for the arrows of God's judgments. The mercy promised to the Israel of God, shall not only accompany, but arise from the destruction of Babylon. These sheep shall be gathered from the deserts, and put again into good pasture. All who return to God and their duty, shall find satisfaction of soul in so doing. Deliverances out of trouble are comforts indeed, when fruits of the forgiveness of sin.

Anger Appalled Astonished Babylon Completely Desolate Desolation Fear Goes Hiss Horrified Indignation Inhabited Lord's Overcome Passes Plagues Punishments Quite Scoff Sounds Utter Wholly Wonder Wounds Wrath

Anger Appalled Astonished Babylon Completely Desolate Desolation Fear Goes Hiss Horrified Indignation Inhabited Lord's Overcome Passes Plagues Punishments Quite Scoff Sounds Utter Wholly Wonder Wounds Wrath