Behaviour Desired Foolish Judgment Law Ones Ordinance Poor Requirements Sense Surely Wretched

5:4 Poor - The vulgar, that understand but little, of less conscience than the better sort. Judgment - The methods or ways of his providence.

5:1-9 None could be found who behaved as upright and godly men. But the Lord saw the true character of the people through all their disguises. The poor were ignorant, and therefore they were wicked. What can be expected but works of darkness, from people that know nothing of God and religion? There are God's poor, who, notwithstanding poverty, know the way of the Lord, walk in it, and do their duty; but these were willingly ignorant, and their ignorance would not be their excuse. The rich were insolent and haughty, and the abuse of God's favours made their sin worse.

Behaviour Desired Foolish Judgment Law Ones Ordinance Poor Requirements Sense Surely Thought Way Wretched

Behaviour Desired Foolish Judgment Law Ones Ordinance Poor Requirements Sense Surely Thought Way Wretched