Affirmation Afterward Afterwards Ammon Ammonites Bring Captivity Changed Declares Fate Fortunes Restore Says Sons Turn

49:6 And {h} afterward I will bring again the captives of the children of Ammon, saith the LORD.

(h) In the time of Christ, when the Gentiles will be called.

49:6 I will bring - Probably this refers to the conversion of the Ammonites, as well as other Heathens, to Christ.

49:1-6. Might often prevails against right among men, yet that might shall be controlled by the Almighty, who judges aright; and those will find themselves mistaken, who, like the Ammonites, think every thing their own on which they can lay their hands. The Lord will call men to account for every instance of dishonesty, especially to the destitute.

Affirmation Afterward Afterwards Ammon Ammonites Captivity Changed Children Declares Fate Fortunes Restore

Affirmation Afterward Afterwards Ammon Ammonites Captivity Changed Children Declares Fate Fortunes Restore