Affirmation Bring Captivity Changed Declares Elam Fate Fortunes Latter Pass Restore Says Turn

49:39 But it shall come to pass {k} in the latter days, [that] I will bring again the captives of Elam, saith the LORD.

(k) This may be referred to the empire of the Persians and Medes after the Chaldeans or to the time of Christ, as in Jer 48:47.

49:39 But - We had the like promise as to Moab, chap.48:47, and as to Ammon, ver.49:6, the same latter days either signify after many days, or in the time of the Messiah. In the former sense it may refer to Cyrus, who conquered Persia. In the latter sense it refers to the spiritual liberty which some of these poor Heathens were brought into by the gospel. We read Acts 2:9, that some of the Elamites were at Jerusalem at pentecost, and were some of those converted to Christ.

49:34-39 The Elamites were the Persians; they acted against God's Israel, and must be reckoned with. Evil pursues sinners. God will make them know that he reigns. Yet the destruction of Elam shall not be for ever. But this promise was to have its full accomplishment in the days of the Messiah. In reading the Divine assurance of the destruction of all the enemies of the church, the believer sees that the issue of the holy war is not doubtful. It is blessed to recollect, that He who is for us, is more than all against us. And he will subdue the enemies of our souls.

Affirmation Captivity Changed Declares Elam End Fate Fortunes Latter Restore Turn

Affirmation Captivity Changed Declares Elam End Fate Fortunes Latter Restore Turn