FALSE Arrogance Bring Build Clefts Cracks Deceived Declares Dwell Dweller Dwellest Eagle Eagle's Heart Height Heights Hight Hill Hold Holdest Holding Hope Horror Inspire Keeping Lifted Living-place Makest Nest O Occupy Pride Rock Rocks Says Shouldest Shouldst Terribleness Terror Thence Though

49:7-22 The Edomites were old enemies to the Israel of God. But their day is now at hand; it is foretold, not only to warn them, but for the sake of the Israel of God, whose afflictions were aggravated by them. Thus Divine judgments go round from nation to nation; the earth is full of commotion, and nothing can escape the ministers of Divine vengeance. The righteousness of God is to be observed amidst the violence of men.

Clefts Deceived Dwell Dwellest Eagle Heart Height High Hight Hill Hold Holdest Nest Pride Rock Shouldest Shouldst Terribleness Terror Thence

Clefts Deceived Dwell Dwellest Eagle Heart Height High Hight Hill Hold Holdest Nest Pride Rock Shouldest Shouldst Terribleness Terror Thence