Adversaries Anguish Anguished Ascend Ascent Bitterly Continual Cries Cry Descent Desolation Destruction Distress Distressing Ears Enemies Horonaim Horona'im Luhith Road Slope Weeping

48:5 For in the ascent of {d} Luhith continual weeping shall go up; for in the descent of Horonaim the enemies have heard a cry of destruction.

(d) Horonaim and Luhith were two places by which the Moabites would flee, Isa 15:5.

48:5 Luhith - To this city the Moabites fled for sanctuary, and flying made so great an out - cry that their enemies who pursued them heard it.

48:1-13. The Chaldeans are to destroy the Moabites. We should be thankful that we are required to seek the salvation of men's lives, and the salvation of their souls, not to shed their blood; but we shall be the more without excuse if we do this pleasant work deceitfully. The cities shall be laid in ruins, and the country shall be wasted. There will be great sorrow. There will be great hurry. If any could give wings to sinners, still they could not fly out of the reach of Divine indignation. There are many who persist in unrepented iniquity, yet long enjoy outward prosperity. They had been long corrupt and unreformed, secure and sensual in prosperity. They have no changes of their peace and prosperity, therefore their hearts and lives are unchanged, Ps 55:19.

Adversaries Anguish Anguished Ascend Ascent Bitterly Continual Cries Cry Descent Desolation Destruction Distress Distressing Enemies Heard Horonaim Horona'im Luhith Road Slope Way Weeping

Adversaries Anguish Anguished Ascend Ascent Bitterly Continual Cries Cry Descent Desolation Destruction Distress Distressing Enemies Heard Horonaim Horona'im Luhith Road Slope Way Weeping