Appointed Ashkelon Ash'kelon Assigned Attack Canst Charge Coast Command Commanded Directions Order Ordered Orders Possible Quiet Seacoast Sea-land Seashore Sea-shore Seeing Shore Shouldest

47:7 How can it be {h} quiet, seeing the LORD hath given it a charge against Ashkelon, and against the sea shore? there hath he appointed it.

(h) Meaning, that it is not profitable that the wicked should by any means escape or hinder the Lord when he will take vengeance.

47:7 How - God lets the prophet know that he had given this sword its commission, and therefore it could not stop 'till Ashkelon and the people on the sea - shore were destroyed by it.

47:1-7 The calamities of the Philistines. - The Philistines had always been enemies to Israel; but the Chaldean army shall overflow their land like a deluge. Those whom God will spoil, must be spoiled. For when the Lord intends to destroy the wicked, he will cut off every helper. So deplorable are the desolations of war, that the blessings of peace are most desirable. But we must submit to His appointments who ordains all in perfect wisdom and justice.

Appointed Ashkelon Ash'kelon Assigned Attack Charge Coast Command Commanded Directions Order Ordered Orders Quiet Rest Sea Seacoast Sea-Land Seashore Sea-Shore Shore Shouldest

Appointed Ashkelon Ash'kelon Assigned Attack Charge Coast Command Commanded Directions Order Ordered Orders Quiet Rest Sea Seacoast Sea-Land Seashore Sea-Shore Shore Shouldest