Abide Army Captains Command Commanders Didn't Disobeyed Dwell Ear Forces Heads Hearkened Johanan Joha'nan Judah Kareah Kare'ah Lord's Obey Obeyed Officers Order Stay Voice

43:1-7 Only by pride comes contention, both with God and man. They preferred their own wisdom to the revealed will of God. Men deny the Scriptures to be the word of God, because they are resolved not to conform themselves to Scripture rules. When men will persist in sin, they charge the best actions to bad motives. These Jews deserted their own land, and threw themselves out of God's protection. It is the folly of men, that they often ruin themselves by wrong endeavours to mend their situation.

Abide Army Captains Command Commanders Disobeyed Dwell Ear Forces Hearkened Johanan Joha'nan Judah Kareah Kare'ah Lord's Obey Obeyed Officers Order Voice

Abide Army Captains Command Commanders Disobeyed Dwell Ear Forces Hearkened Johanan Joha'nan Judah Kareah Kare'ah Lord's Obey Obeyed Officers Order Voice
