Abundance Countries Driven Fruit Fruits Gathered Gedaliah Harvested Jews Judah Mizpah Places Returned Scattered Summer Whither Wine

40:12 Returned - Probably upon the king of Babylon's first invading Judah, many fled, and more as he went on his conquests, over - running the country; and it is likely at the taking of the city, many escaped, and fled into several countries, as they had opportunity, or judged this or that country would be safest; some fled to Moab, some to Ammon some to Edom, some one way, and some another: but when they heard that the king of Babylon had set a governor of their own religion and country over them, they came back to him; and there being few people left in the land, which was wonderfully fruitful, they gathered plenty of grapes, and other summer fruits.

40:7-16 Jeremiah had never in his prophecies spoken of any good days for the Jews, to come immediately after the captivity; yet Providence seemed to encourage such an expectation. But how soon is this hopeful prospect blighted! When God begins a judgment, he will complete it. While pride, ambition, or revenge, bears rule in the heart, men will form new projects, and be restless in mischief, which commonly ends in their own ruin. Who would have thought, that after the destruction of Jerusalem, rebellion would so soon have sprung up? There can be no thorough change but what grace makes. And if the miserable, who are kept in everlasting chains for the judgment of the great day, were again permitted to come on earth, the sin and evil of their nature would be unchanged. Lord, give us new hearts, and that new mind in which the new birth consists, since thou hast said we cannot without it see thy heavenly kingdom.

Abundance Countries Driven Flight Fruit Fruits Gathered Gedaliah Gedali'ah Great Jews Judah Mizpah Places Scattered Summer Whither Wine

Abundance Countries Driven Flight Fruit Fruits Gathered Gedaliah Gedali'ah Great Jews Judah Mizpah Places Scattered Summer Whither Wine