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34:5 [But] thou shalt die in {b} peace: and with the burnings of thy fathers, the former kings who were before thee, so shall they burn [incense] for thee; and they will lament thee, [saying], Ah {c} lord! for I have pronounced the word, saith the LORD.

(b) Not of any violent death.

(c) The Jews will lament for you their lord and king.

34:5 Ah Lord - The Jews in their chronology, give us the form of the lamentation thus. Alas! Zedekiah is dead, who drank the dregs of all ages: that is, who was punished for the sins of all former ages.

34:1-7 Zedekiah is told that the city shall be taken, and that he shall die a captive, but he shall die a natural death. It is better to live and die penitent in a prison, than to live and die impenitent in a palace.

Ah Alas Burn Burned Burning Burnings Declares Die Diest End Fathers Former Funeral Kings Lament Master Odors Odours Peace Peacefully Pronounced Spices Weeping Word

Ah Alas Burn Burned Burning Burnings Declares Die Diest End Fathers Former Funeral Kings Lament Master Odors Odours Peace Peacefully Pronounced Spices Weeping Word