Bondmaid Bondmaids Bondman Bondmen Cause Caused Desire Female Forced Forth Free Handmaid Handmaids Liberty Maid-servant Maid-servants Male Man-servant Men-servants Pleasure Pollute Polluted Profaned Return Servant Servant-girl Servant-girls Servants Shame Slaves Subdue Subjection Turn Wished Yet Yoke
34:8-22 A Jew should not be held in servitude above seven years. This law they and their fathers had broken. And when there was some hope that the siege was raised, they forced the servants they had released into their services again. Those who think to cheat God by dissembled repentance and partial reformation, put the greatest cheat upon their own souls. This shows that liberty to sin, is really only liberty to have the sorest judgments. It is just with God to disappoint expectations of mercy, when we disappoint the expectations of duty. And when reformation springs only from terror, it is seldom lasting. Solemn vows thus entered into, profane the ordinances of God; and the most forward to bind themselves by appeals to God, are commonly most ready to break them. Let us look to our hearts, that our repentance may be real, and take care that the law of God regulates our conduct.
Caused Desire Female Free Handmaid Handmaids Liberty Male Pleasure Polluted Profaned Servant Servants Subjection Turned
Caused Desire Female Free Handmaid Handmaids Liberty Male Pleasure Polluted Profaned Servant Servants Subjection Turned