Bitter Blunted Children's Eaten Edge Fathers Fruit Grape Grapes Longer Sons Sour Tasting Teeth Unripe

31:29 In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have {g} eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge.

(g) The wicked used this proverb when they murmured against God's judgments pronounced by the prophets, saying that their fathers had committed the fault and that the children were punished, Eze 18:2,3.

31:27-34 The people of God shall become numerous and prosperous. In Heb 8:8,9, this place is quoted as the sum of the covenant of grace made with believers in Jesus Christ. Not, I will give them a new law; for Christ came not to destroy the law, but to fulfil it; but the law shall be written in their hearts by the finger of the Spirit, as formerly written in the tables of stone. The Lord will, by his grace, make his people willing people in the day of his power. All shall know the Lord; all shall be welcome to the knowledge of God, and shall have the means of that knowledge. There shall be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, at the time the gospel is published. No man shall finally perish, but for his own sins; none, who is willing to accept of Christ's salvation.

Bitter Blunted Children's Eaten Edge Fathers Fruit Grape Grapes Longer Sour Tasting Teeth Unripe

Bitter Blunted Children's Eaten Edge Fathers Fruit Grape Grapes Longer Sour Tasting Teeth Unripe