Death Deserves Die Ears Fate Heads Hearing Judgment Officials Priests Princes Prophesied Prophets Rulers Saying Sentence Sentenced Spake Speak Spoke Town Worthy

26:11 The priests - In the corrupt state of all kingdoms, the ecclesiastical officers always were the greatest enemies to the faithful ministers of God. They speak to the members of the court who are called princes, and to the people who were in the court.

26:7-15 The priests and prophets charged Jeremiah as deserving death, and bore false witness against him. The elders of Israel came to inquire into this matter. Jeremiah declares that the Lord sent him to prophesy thus. As long as ministers keep close to the word they have from God, they need not fear. And those are very unjust who complain of ministers for preaching of hell and damnation; for it is from a desire to bring them to heaven and salvation. Jeremiah warns them of their danger if they go on against him. All men may know, that to hurt, or put to death, or to show hatred to their faithful reprovers, will hasten and increase their own punishment.

City Death Deserves Die Ears Fate Heads Heard Hearing Judgment Officials Priests Princes Prophesied Prophets Right Rulers Sentence Sentenced Speak Words Worthy

City Death Deserves Die Ears Fate Heads Heard Hearing Judgment Officials Priests Princes Prophesied Prophets Right Rulers Sentence Sentenced Speak Words Worthy