Arise Backs Birth Face Faces Forth Hast Save Saviour Saying Stock Stone Tree Trouble Vexation Wood Yet

2:27 Saying to a tree, Thou [art] my {o} father; and to a stone, Thou hast brought me forth: for they have turned [their] back to me, and not [their] face: but in the time of their trouble they will say, Arise, and save us.

(o) Meaning, that idolaters rob God of his honour: and where as he has taught to call him the father of all flesh, they attribute this title to their idols.

2:27 Brought me forth - Or begotten me; so is the word used, Gen 4:18. This denotes the sottish stupidity of this people, to take a lifeless stock or stone to be their maker, and to give the honour of God unto them, Isa 44:17. Turned - They turn their faces towards their idols.

2:20-28 Notwithstanding all their advantages, Israel had become like the wild vine that bears poisonous fruit. Men are often as much under the power of their unbridled desires and their sinful lusts, as the brute beasts. But the Lord here warns them not to weary themselves in pursuits which could only bring distress and misery. As we must not despair of the mercy of God, but believe that to be sufficient for the pardon of our sins, so neither must we despair of the grace of God, but believe that it is able to subdue our corruptions, though ever so strong.

Arise Backs Birth Face Faces Forth Gave Life Save Saviour Stock Stone Time Tree Trouble Turned Vexation Wood

Arise Backs Birth Face Faces Forth Gave Life Save Saviour Stock Stone Time Tree Trouble Turned Vexation Wood