Branches Branching Changed Choice Completely Corrupt Degenerate Faithful Foreign Hast Noble Plant Planted Pure Reliable Seed Shoots Stock Strange Turn Vine Wholly Wild Yet

2:21 A right seed - A right seed of true believers.

2:20-28 Notwithstanding all their advantages, Israel had become like the wild vine that bears poisonous fruit. Men are often as much under the power of their unbridled desires and their sinful lusts, as the brute beasts. But the Lord here warns them not to weary themselves in pursuits which could only bring distress and misery. As we must not despair of the mercy of God, but believe that to be sufficient for the pardon of our sins, so neither must we despair of the grace of God, but believe that it is able to subdue our corruptions, though ever so strong.

Branches Branching Changed Choice Completely Faithful Foreign Noble Plant Planted Pure Reliable Right Seed Shoots Sound Stock Strange True. Turn Turned Vine Way Wholly Wild

Branches Branching Changed Choice Completely Faithful Foreign Noble Plant Planted Pure Reliable Right Seed Shoots Sound Stock Strange True. Turn Turned Vine Way Wholly Wild