Appointed Black Brings Cause Causes Change Dark Darkening Darkness Death Death-shade Deep Dusky Gloom Glory Gross Grow Hills Honour Hope Hoping Makes Mountains Shades Shadow Slipping Stumble Thick Turn Turns Twilight Waited

13:16 Give glory to the LORD your God, before he shall cause {d} darkness, and before your feet stumble upon the dark mountains, and, while ye look for {e} light, he shall turn it into the shadow of death, [and] make [it] gross darkness.

(d) That is, affliction and misery by the Babylonians, Isa 8:22.

(e) Meaning, for help and support of the Egyptians.

13:16 Give glory - Glorify God, by an humble confession of your sins, by submitting yourselves to God, humbling yourselves under his word, and under his mighty hand, before God brings upon you, his great and heavy judgments.

13:12-17 As the bottle was fitted to hold the wine, so the sins of the people made them vessels of wrath, fitted for the judgments of God; with which they should be filled till they caused each other's destruction. The prophet exhorts them to give glory to God, by confessing their sins, humbling themselves in repentance, and returning to his service. Otherwise they would be carried into other countries in all the darkness of idolatry and wickedness. All misery, witnessed or foreseen, will affect a feeling mind, but the pious heart must mourn most over the afflictions of the Lord's flock.

Cause Dark Darkness Death Feet Glory Gross Grow Light Mountains Shades Shadow Stumble Turn Twilight

Cause Dark Darkness Death Feet Glory Gross Grow Light Mountains Shades Shadow Stumble Turn Twilight