Account Anger Ashamed Bear Burning Fierce Fierceness Fruits Gain Got Grain Harvest Harvests Increase Increases Lord's Nothing Pain Planted Produce Profit Reap Reaped Revenues Shame Shamed Sick Sowed Sown Strained Themselves Thorns Though Tired Wear Wheat Wrath

12:13 {m} They have sown wheat, but shall reap thorns: they {n} have put themselves to pain, [but] shall not profit: and they shall be ashamed of {o} your revenues because of the fierce anger of the LORD.

(m) That is, the prophets.

(n) They lamented the sins of the people.

(o) For instead of amendment, you grew worse and worse, as God's plagues testified.

12:13 Shall not profit - All the works of their hands, all their counsels and deliberations should be of no profit unto them. Because - The fierce anger of God shall be so shewed, that the returns of their labours or estates, the profits of their trades, shall be so small, that they shall be ashamed of them.

12:7-13 God's people had been the dearly-beloved of his soul, precious in his sight, but they acted so, that he gave them up to their enemies. Many professing churches become like speckled birds, presenting a mixture of religion and the world, with its vain fashions, pursuits, and pollutions. God's people are as men wondered at, as a speckled bird; but this people had by their own folly made themselves so; and the beasts and birds are called to prey upon them. The whole land would be made desolate. But until the judgments were actually inflicted, none of the people would lay the warning to heart. When God's hand is lifted up, and men will not see, they shall be made to feel. Silver and gold shall not profit in the day of the Lord's anger. And the efforts of sinners to escape misery, without repentance and works answerable thereto, will end in confusion.

Account Anger Ashamed Bear Burning Fierce Fruits Gain Good Grain Harvest Harvests Increase Pain Planted Produce Profit Reap Reaped Revenues Shame Shamed Sow Sown Strained Themselves Thorns Tired Wear Wheat

Account Anger Ashamed Bear Burning Fierce Fruits Gain Good Grain Harvest Harvests Increase Pain Planted Produce Profit Reap Reaped Revenues Shame Shamed Sow Sown Strained Themselves Thorns Tired Wear Wheat