Anathoth An'athoth Armies Death Designs Die Hands Overtake Prophesy Prophet Saying Says Seek Seeking Thus

11:21 Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning the men of {q} Anathoth, that seek thy life, saying, {r} Prophesy not in the name of the LORD, that thou die not by our hand:

(q) That is, both the priests and the rest of the people: for this town was the priests, and they dwelt in it, Jer 1:1.

(r) Not that they could not abide to hear God named; (for in this they would show themselves most holy) but because they could not abide to be sharply reproved, and therefore desired to be flattered Isa 30:10, to be maintained in their pleasures Mic 2:11 and not to hear vice condemned Am 7:12.

11:18-23 The prophet Jeremiah tells much concerning himself, the times he lived in being very troublesome. Those of his own city plotted how they might cause his death. They thought to end his days, but he outlived most of his enemies; they thought to blast his memory, but it lives to this day, and will be blessed while time lasts. God knows all the secret designs of his and his people's enemies, and can, when he pleases, make them known. God's justice is a terror to the wicked, but a comfort to the godly. When we are wronged, we have a God to commit our cause to, and it is our duty to commit it to him. We should also look well to our own spirits, that we are not overcome with evil, but that by patient continuance in praying for our enemies, and in kindness to them, we may overcome evil with good.

Anathoth An'athoth Armies Death Designs Die Hand Hands Life Prophesy Prophet Seek Seeking

Anathoth An'athoth Armies Death Designs Die Hand Hands Life Prophesy Prophet Seek Seeking