Avert Beloved Consecrated Deeds Devices Disaster Doest Doom Engage Evil Exult Exultest Flesh Hallowed Holy Judah Lewdness Meat Oaths Pass Passed Practise Punishment Rejoice Rejoicest Sacrificial Safe Schemes Seeing Temple Trouble Vile Vows Wickedness Worked Works Wrought

11:15 What hath my {k} beloved to do in my house, [seeing] she hath wrought lewdness with many, and the holy flesh {l} is passed from thee? when thou doest evil, then thou rejoicest.

(k) My people of Israel whom I have greatly loved till now.

(l) Meaning, that they offer not in the temple to God, but on the altars of Baal and the idols and so rejoiced in their wickedness.

11:15 My beloved - My people, saith God, though I was formerly their husband, yet have wrought lewdness with many, that is, committed idolatry with many idols, and now what have they to do more in my house? The holy flesh - Flesh of their sacrifices, being set before idols, as well as before God, became polluted, and was abomination to the Lord. Thou rejoicest - They were not only evil but gloried in their wickedness.

11:11-17 Evil pursues sinners, and entangles them in snares, out of which they cannot free themselves. Now, in their distress, their many gods and many altars stand them in no stead. And those whose own prayers will not be heard, cannot expect benefit from the prayers of others. Their profession of religion shall prove of no use. When trouble came upon them, they made this their confidence, but God has rejected it. His altar shall yield them no satisfaction. The remembrance of God's former favours to them shall be no comfort under troubles; and his remembrance of them shall be no argument for their relief. Every sin against the Lord is a sin against ourselves, and so it will be found sooner or later.

Beloved Consecrated Deeds Disaster Doom Engage Evil Exult Flesh Hallowed Holy House Judah Lewdness Meat Oaths Part Passed Practise Punishment Rejoice Rejoicest Right Sacrificial Safe Thought Trouble Vile Vows Way Worked Wrought

Beloved Consecrated Deeds Disaster Doom Engage Evil Exult Flesh Hallowed Holy House Judah Lewdness Meat Oaths Part Passed Practise Punishment Rejoice Rejoicest Right Sacrificial Safe Thought Trouble Vile Vows Way Worked Wrought