Able Although Behold Bring Bringing Cried Cry Disaster Ear Escape Evil Hearken Listen Says Though Thus Yet

11:11 Therefore thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they shall cry to me, {g} I will not hearken to them.

(g) Because they will not pray with true faith and repentance, but for the pain and grief which they feel, Pr 1:28.

11:11 I will not hearken - God will not hear them crying to him in their adversity, who refuse to hear him speaking to them in their prosperity.

11:11-17 Evil pursues sinners, and entangles them in snares, out of which they cannot free themselves. Now, in their distress, their many gods and many altars stand them in no stead. And those whose own prayers will not be heard, cannot expect benefit from the prayers of others. Their profession of religion shall prove of no use. When trouble came upon them, they made this their confidence, but God has rejected it. His altar shall yield them no satisfaction. The remembrance of God's former favours to them shall be no comfort under troubles; and his remembrance of them shall be no argument for their relief. Every sin against the Lord is a sin against ourselves, and so it will be found sooner or later.

Able Cried Cry Disaster Escape Evil Hearken Help

Able Cried Cry Disaster Escape Evil Hearken Help