Able Afraid Borne Can't Carried Cucumber Cucumbers Evil Fear Field Garden Harm Idols Lifted Melon Needs Palm Palm-column Palm-tree Patch Pillar Plants Power Scarecrow Scarecrows Speak Step Stiff Surely Tree Upright Voice Walk Walking Yea

10:1-16 The prophet shows the glory of Israel's God, and exposes the folly of idolaters. Charms and other attempts to obtain supernatural help, or to pry into futurity, are copied from the wicked customs of the heathen. Let us stand in awe, and not dare provoke God, by giving that glory to another which is due to him alone. He is ready to forgive, and save all who repent and believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ. Faith learns these blessed truths from the word of God; but all knowledge not from that source, leads to doctrines of vanity.

Able Afraid Borne Carried Cucumber Cucumbers Evil Fear Field Garden Good Harm Idols Lifted Needs Palm Palm-Tree Pillar Plants Power Speak Step Stiff Tree Turned Upright Voice Walk Walking Work

Able Afraid Borne Carried Cucumber Cucumbers Evil Fear Field Garden Good Harm Idols Lifted Needs Palm Palm-Tree Pillar Plants Power Speak Step Stiff Tree Turned Upright Voice Walk Walking Work