Asshur Assyria Bee Bees Brooks Distant Egypt Extremity Flies Fly Hiss Pass Piping Remotest Rivers Sources Streams Uttermost Whistle

7:18 And it shall come to pass in that day, [that] the LORD shall hiss for the {r} fly that [is] in the uttermost part of the rivers of Egypt, and for the bee that [is] in the land of Assyria.

(r) Meaning, the Egyptians: for since the country is hot and moist, it is full of flies, as Assyria is full of bees.

7:18 The fly - The flies. So he calls these enemies, to imply their great numbers. In - In their extremity, where they go out into the sea. Rivers - Of the river Nile, which may be called rivers, either for its greatness, or because towards the end of it, it is divided into seven streams. When the Chaldeans had in good measure subdued the Egyptians, it is probable great numbers of the Egyptian soldiers listed themselves in the Chaldean army, and with them invaded the land of Judah. The bee - The Assyrian army, compared to bees, as for their numerous forces and orderly march, so for their fierce attempts and mischievous effects. Assyria - In the empire of Assyria, or Babylon; for these two were united into one empire, and therefore in scripture are promiscuously called sometimes by one title, and sometimes by the other.

7:17-25 Let those who will not believe the promises of God, expect to hear the alarms of his threatenings; for who can resist or escape his judgments? The Lord shall sweep all away; and whomsoever he employs in any service for him, he will pay. All speaks a sad change of the face of that pleasant land. But what melancholy change is there, which sin will not make with a people? Agriculture would cease. Sorrows of every kind will come upon all who neglect the great salvation. If we remain unfruitful under the means of grace, the Lord will say, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforth for ever.

Asshur Assyria Bees Brooks Distant Egypt End Extremity Flies Fly Hiss Part Piping Remotest Rivers Sound Sources Streams Uttermost Whistle

Asshur Assyria Bees Brooks Distant Egypt End Extremity Flies Fly Hiss Part Piping Remotest Rivers Sound Sources Streams Uttermost Whistle