Abominable Abomination Affirmation Ahad Altogether Behind Center Clean Cleansing Consumed Declares Detestable Disgusting Eat Eating Flesh Gardens Meet Mice Middle Midst Mouse Perish Pigs Pig's Purify Rats Sanctify Sanctifying Says Separate Sow Swine's Taking Themselves Thoughts Tree Works

66:17 They that sanctify {r} themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one [tree] in the midst, eating {s} swine's flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the LORD.

(r) Meaning, the hypocrites.

(s) By which are meant them that maliciously transgressed the law, by eating beasts forbidden, even to the mouse which nature abhors.

66:17 Gardens - In which they worshipped idols. In the midst - Behind one of the trees, or one by one behind the trees. The abominations - All those beasts forbidden the Jews for meat. God will not only destroy gross idolaters, but all those who make no conscience of yielding obedience to the law of God in such things as seemed to them of a minute nature, and such as they easily might have obeyed.

66:15-24 A prophetic declaration is given of the Lord's vengeance on all enemies of his church, especially that of all antichristian opposers of the gospel in the latter days. Ver.

Abomination Center Consecrate Consumed Detestable Eat Eating End Flesh Following Gardens Midst Mouse Pigs Pig's Purify Rats Sanctify Swine's Themselves Together Tree

Abomination Center Consecrate Consumed Detestable Eat Eating End Flesh Following Gardens Midst Mouse Pigs Pig's Purify Rats Sanctify Swine's Themselves Together Tree
