Blood Deceit Defiled Falsehood Fingers Gives Guilt Hands Iniquity Lies Lips Mutter Muttered Muttereth Mutters Perverseness Polluted Sin Speak Spoken Stained Tongue Unclean Unrighteousness Uttered Wicked Wickedness

59:3 For your hands are defiled with {a} blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath uttered perverseness.

(a) Read Isa 1:15.

59:3 Perverseness - Perverse words are such as are contrary to God's word. Words every way contrary to God's will.

59:1-8 If our prayers are not answered, and the salvation we wait for is not wrought for us, it is not because God is weary of hearing prayer, but because we are weary of praying. See here sin in true colours, exceedingly sinful; and see sin in its consequences, exceedingly hurtful, separating from God, and so separating us, not only from all good, but to all evil. Yet numbers feed, to their own destruction, on infidel and wicked systems. Nor can their skill or craft, in devising schemes, as the spider weaves its web, deliver or save them. No schemes of self-wrought salvation shall avail those who despise the Redeemer's robe of righteousness. Every man who is destitute of the Spirit of Christ, runs swiftly to evil of some sort; but those regardless of Divine truth and justice, are strangers to peace.

Blood Deceit Defiled Falsehood Fingers Gives Guilt Hands Iniquity Lips Mutter Muttered Perverseness Polluted Sin Stained Tongue Unclean Unrighteousness Uttered Wicked Wickedness

Blood Deceit Defiled Falsehood Fingers Gives Guilt Hands Iniquity Lips Mutter Muttered Perverseness Polluted Sin Stained Tongue Unclean Unrighteousness Uttered Wicked Wickedness