FALSE Apart Bargain Bed Beds Behind Besides Chosen Climbed Couch Covenant Deserting Desire Discovered Door Doorpost Doorposts Doors Enlarged Forsaking Goest Hast Indeed Love Loved Lovedst Manhood Memorial Nakedness Opened Pact Pagan Pillars Post Posts Remembrance Removed Sawest Sign Someone Station Symbol Symbols Thyself Uncovered Wide

57:8 Behind the {h} doors also and the door posts hast thou set up thy remembrance: for thou hast uncovered [thyself to another] than me, and hast gone up; thou hast {i} enlarged thy bed, and made thee [a covenant] with them; thou didst love their bed where thou sawest [it].

(h) Instead of setting up the word of God in the open places on the posts and doors to have it in remembrance, De 6:9,27:1 you have set up signs and marks of your idolatry in every place.

(i) That is, increased your idolatry more and more.

57:8 The posts - Behind the posts of the doors of thine house: where the Heathens placed their tutelar gods to whose protection they committed their houses, that so they might have their eyes and minds upon them, whensoever they went out or came in. Set up - Those monuments which thou didst set up there as remembrances of those idol - gods whom they represented. Discovered - Thou hast uncovered thy nakedness; to others beside me thine husband. Gone up - Into the adulterous bed. Enlarged - That it might receive many adulterers together. Thou hast multiplied thine idols and altars. A covenant - Thou hast covenanted to serve them.

57:3-12 The Lord here calls apostates and hypocrites to appear before him. When reproved for their sins, and threatened with judgments, they ridiculed the word of God. The Jews were guilty of idolatry before the captivity; but not after that affliction. Their zeal in the worship of false gods, may shame our indifference in the worship of the true God. The service of sin is disgraceful slavery; those who thus debase themselves to hell, will justly have their portion there. Men incline to a religion that inflames their unholy passions. They are led to do any evil, however great or vile, if they think it will atone for crimes, or purchase indulgence for some favourite lust. This explains idolatry, whether pagan, Jewish, or antichristian. But those who set up anything instead of God, for their hope and confidence, never will come to a right end. Those who forsake the only right way, wander in a thousand by-paths. The pleasures of sin soon tire, but never satisfy. Those who care not for the word of God and his providences, show they have no fear of God. Sin profits not; it ruins and destroys.

Agreement Bed Chosen Covenant Deserting Discovered Door Doorpost Doorposts Doors Enlarged Far Forsaking Hand Indeed Loved Memorial Nakedness Pagan Posts Remembrance Sign Symbol Symbols Thyself Uncovered Wide

Agreement Bed Chosen Covenant Deserting Discovered Door Doorpost Doorposts Doors Enlarged Far Forsaking Hand Indeed Loved Memorial Nakedness Pagan Posts Remembrance Sign Symbol Symbols Thyself Uncovered Wide