Abundant Beer Better Beyond Bring Drink Exceeding Fetch Fill Full Heavily Measure Morrow Ourselves Pleasure Quaff Strong Tomorrow To-morrow Wine

56:12 Come ye, [say they], I will bring wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drink; and to {l} morrow shall be as this day, [and] much more abundant.

(l) We are well yet, and to morrow will be better: therefore let us not fear the plagues before they come: thus the wicked contemned the admonition and exhortations which were made to them in the Name of God.

56:12 Say they - Unto their brethren, fellow - priests, or other jolly companions. Fill ourselves - We will drink not only to delight, but even to drunkenness, as the word signifies, which shews their dreadful security and contempt of God, and their abandoning of all care of their own or peoples souls.

56:9-12 Desolating judgments are called for; and this severe rebuke of the rulers and teachers of the Jewish church, is applicable to other ages and places. It is bad with a people when their shepherds slumber, and are eager after the world. Let us pray the Great Shepherd to send us pastors after his own heart, who will feed us with knowledge, that we may rejoice in his holy name, and that believers may be daily added to the church.

Abundant Beer Better Cries Drink Far Fetch Fill Great Heavily Measure Morrow Ourselves Pleasure Strong Today Tomorrow To-Morrow Wine

Abundant Beer Better Cries Drink Far Fetch Fill Great Heavily Measure Morrow Ourselves Pleasure Strong Today Tomorrow To-Morrow Wine